What is www.stashdeal.com?
www.stashdeal.com is a platform where registered vendors host exciting and discounted deals under different categories and customers buy the coupon / voucher online by paying nominal fee using their credit card, debit card and net banking options.

Is there any need for me to register to check available deals?
Registration is not needed to check out the available deals.

Will I be required to login to buy online deals?
Yes, login is required to buy online deals.

Can I refer a vendor without registering on the website?
Yes, you can refer a vendor without registering on the website.

Will my email id and mobile number used for registration shared by any third party vendors?
We value privacy of our customers, hence do not share the email id & mobile number with anyone.

Is it safe to use the credit card, debit card and net banking options at www.stashdeal.com?
Our site is 100% safe & secure, we have deployed SSL certificate which ensures that all data to and from Stashdeal is transferred in an encrypted format and it’s pretty safe.

How to buy a deal?
Go to a particular deal and click buy option.  This will land you to cart page, here you can select the number of vouchers you required to buy and pay online using credit card, debit card and net banking options.  Once paid a voucher along with coupon code would be generated.  This voucher/coupon code will be sent to you by email and sms. 

How much should I pay initially?
You need to pay the Stashdeal nominal value to book the deal initially.  Full payment needs to be done at Vendor’s place.

Can I pay the full deal value and buy complete deal?
No, we follow charging a nominal booking value model to book the deal by collecting minimum amount and customer can pay remaining amount directly at vendor outlet at the time of redeeming the deal.

What should I do, if I do not get an email and sms after buying a deal?
Upon successful order placement & payment an automatic email for Order Confirmation and another email with Voucher code and sms will be generated.

If you do not receive emails, please check the spam folder.
If you do not receive sms, there’s a possibility that your mobile number might be registered with DND (do not disturb) registry.
Drop an email to support@stashdeal.com, our support team will provide the necessary assistance.

How do I print a PDF voucher, if I do not receive the same in an email?
To download your Voucher in the PDF format please follow the steps below, which apply for any Voucher you purchase:
Log on to www.stashdeal.com
Click on the login button.
Enter your username (the email address registered with us) and your password.
Once logged in, please click on the ‘My Orders’ section of ‘My Account’
Click the icon below the relevant Voucher to download and print

What should I do, if I have deleted the sms of voucher code by mistake?
To receive the sms again on your mobile phone again please follow the steps below,
Log on to www.stashdeal.com
Click on the login button.
Enter your username (the email address registered with us) and your password.
Once logged in, please click on the ‘My Orders’ section of ‘My Account’
Click the icon below the relevant Voucher; click the button “resend sms” to receive the sms again.

How to redeem the deal?
Please present the printed voucher code sent to your registered email to the vendor and pay the balance amount to vendor in order to enjoy that particular deal within expiry period. For enquiry, please contact
Email support@stashdeal.com.

How long do I have to wait to use my Vouchers once I’ve purchased it?
You can use most Vouchers immediately upon purchase. For every voucher stipulated time limit will be given by the vendor for redeeming the same. Please follow instructions from vendor about redeeming the voucher while purchasing the deal.

Do I need to book in advance when using my Vouchers?
Advance booking is essential when redeeming your Vouchers unless otherwise stated. Any further redemption instructions will be included in the Fine Print section.

If I’m running late for an appointment will they accommodate me?
In most cases prior appointment is compulsory; you will be required to follow instructions to redeem given by merchant. It is always advisable to update the merchant if you are running late to avail the deal for some reason after taking an appointment.  Generally merchants try to accommodate if you have informed them in time and the reason is genuine. However it will be at merchant’s discretion to accommodate. You will not be able to claim refund from Stashdeal for failure to avail the deal within stipulated time.

What is that I have to do for bulk booking of deals?
Please drop an email to support@stashdeal.com for booking 20 or more orders.

What is the cancellation policy?
Cancellations & Refunds are not entertained as we limit our credit to the voucher amount only. If it is reasonable, we’ll do what it takes to make you happy, we are generally unable to offer refunds after the expiry date. We advise our customers to buy deals when they are sure that they want to enjoy the discount being offered.
Please note that vouchers will become defunct after expiry date and no refund claim is entertained.
For any queries email to support@stashdeal.com